Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
Emails and other online communication
Learn from real emails how to arrange a meeting, naturally asking for help or advice, requesting information, follow up communications like a human. How to open and close emails formally and informally. Imagine starting an email with “Sorry to be a pain, but can you…, ”Sorry for delay in getting back to you" or "Let me know if it works for you but no hurry"
Social networks language
Short phrases / expressions used on social media.
- I can't get enough of people getting mad online because ...
- that’s some damn quality sarcasm right there!
- Love this tool - it's potentially going to save me a massive headache!
- The best sharing buttons i've ever witnessed. The sheer simplicity is mind blowing.
- Hey buddy, stop marketing your Giphy clone everywhere. It's kinda annoying
Online chat language
Simplified English used in online discussions and chats. The grammar? Don't sweat it!
- Love this tool - it's potentially going to save me a massive headache!
- The best sharing buttons i've ever witnessed. The sheer simplicity is mind blowing.
- Hey buddy, stop marketing your Giphy clone everywhere. It's kinda annoying
- These days Telegram has taken over instead
- Google chat time has been dwindling and it took a nosedive when third-party support was crippled